I saw this series of slides on Business Insider about the coming water crisis, (http://www.businessinsider.com/facts-about-the-water-crisis-2012-6#) something that I personally believe is one of the biggest threats to mankind, but which gets very little coverage. I’m not talking about waking up tomorrow and your taps not working; it is the indirect effects of declining water supplies that worry me:
- The risk of wars as countries battle over access to to water supplies, especially in tinder-box (both in a political and meteorological sense) areas of the world such as the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia;
- Civil unrest caused by rising food prices - agriculture is the single biggest usage of water, so rising water costs and falling availability will feed through very quickly in to food prices - the revolutions of the Arab Spring can be traced to this root cause; and
- Rising tensions over population migrations as people move from drought-stricken areas, causing strain on water resources in their new locations.
Is any politician going to have the cajones to address this? I fear the answer is not until a bloodbath has already resulted.